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Cycle Reading

Are you ready to finally understand what is behind the bloating, the moodiness, the sugar cravings, the acne, the tender breast, not fitting into your favorite jeans etc. ?


Do you wish to learn how to train smart instead of training hard and without any visible results? 

Would you like to reach your fitness goal much faster & in a sustainable way?


Your cycle dictates your performance, mood, social competences, weight, sleep and so much more. 


Living in harmony with your female monthly cycle will help you get rid of the unpleasant symptoms through targeted fitness, nutrition & supplementation. Beside that your daily life will be more in flow. You will be balanced and happy.


During these sessions we will look at YOUR symptoms and what you can do about them.

You'll get insights about what's happening with your body during the 4 phases of the cycle and how to get the most out of each phase.


You will receive useful tips on how to optimally target your diet and fitness to your menstruation cycle.



In 2x 1-on-1 sessions (online or in person)

We take our time until all your questions are answered!

Reading in a Forest

Get Your Session

Your investment in decoding your body:



10 CHF/EUR per cycle day (Handout included)

I truly enjoyed the 121 sessions with Ana! Personalized to my needs, in a friendly atmosphere, with openness to discuss every topic and to answer any question.

Practical tips, exercises and meditation gave me knowledge and tools on how to start working with my body, not against it, and embrace my femininity.

Strongly recommend it!"

Anna Alot, Stäfa ZH

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