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Image by Annie Spratt

My background is in athletics. Since sports have been a big part of my life from a very young age, I became very diligent with my training routine.


However, I also overdid throughout the years. I was pushing myself way too hard. Beside chronic stress, dieting & poor sleep, training too much was one of the factors that damaged my hormonal system.

My Story

I started having all the PMS symptoms you can imagine…mood swings, insomnia, acne, hair loss, irritability, water retention, food cravings, bloating, etc

My doctor wanted to prescribe me a hormone replacement therapy, which I refused. I am a
firm believer in self-healing. I believe that if there is something we did to through us out of
balance, there's always something that can be done to bring back that balance.

This made me start my research: studies, books, podcast, webinars etc. I combined the
knowledge I already had about performance in sports & the right kind of nutrition with the
newly earned know-how about the female hormonal system.

This led to great results…I managed to bring back the balance to my hormonal system. All this without any hormones or medicine. Just by building consciousness around my menstruation cycle & by targeting both my diet and my training plan to my 4 cycle phases.

Now, after more than 3 years of living in harmony with my menstruation cycle, I would like to share my knowledge with other women who are in need. I would like to show every woman that you are the master of your body & by understanding the biochemistry of it, there is nothing standing between you and your self-healing process.

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